Unwanted, But Beautiful: Finding Hope

Unwanted, But Beautiful: Finding Hope

Do you believe that God is for you? That he is at work in the unwanted difficulties of your life, and that he’s crafting something beautiful with them? Are you confident in his love for you? Joseph knew God like this. We don’t want the trials Joseph experienced....

Joseph’s Story

Are you familiar with Joseph’s story? He’s one of my favorites. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you may remember reading a similar sentence last week. In fact, you’ve probably heard me talk about him a lot.  I love leading women’s retreats...

What To Do When You Just Can’t

As we begin our series on healing, it seemed like the best place to start wasn’t with a specific trial, but with the feeling that you just “can’t”.   Sometimes the problem is one BIG thing, but most often it’s not just the big stuff, it’s the entire pile of stuff!...

Rest now…spring is coming!

It’s been a long winter.  No matter where you live, I’m pretty sure you can relate.   From my chilly office at the front corner of our house, I can hear the wind whipping and whistling—it’s forceful today.  This winter has been unusually cold, excessively windy and...